Fama Koning was born in the spring of 2005 in Utrecht. When she was only six months old, sitting in her pram, she surprised everyone by singing the melody of a well-known Dutch children’s song. From the age of four she sang frequently with her mother and played the piano with her father. At the age of seven she decided she wanted to play the cello. She started taking lessons with the cello teacher Matthias Naegele and for a period of two years she was taught by Lenian Benjamins.
In June 2016 she was delighted to be accepted at the Academie Muzikaal Talent in Utrecht.
In her early youth, after the age of 11, she won prizes at the following classical music competitions: the “Nationale Muziekwedstrijd”, the “Britten Cello-concours” and the “Prinses Christina Concours”.
In the summer of 2019 she reached the final round of the “Koninklijk Concertgebouw Concours”. As a result she performed in a lunchtime concert in the ‘Kleine zaal’ of the “Concertgebouw” in Amsterdam.
Later on in 2019 she won the “Labberté-Hoedemakerprijs” and the “Emmy Verhey Award”.
In the summer of 2020 Fama had her first appearance on Dutch television.
She was selected to play at the famous Kinderprinsengrachtconcert where she was accompanied by the “National Youth Orchestra of the Netherlands.”
In the summer of the year 2021 she was invited to perform as a soloist with the “Britten Jeugd Strijkorkest”.
In December 2021 her debut CD ‘Salut d’Amour’ was launched.
Fama performs regularly with pianist Bas Verheijden and likes to play in musical ensembles.
In addition to playing cello she loves singing, the outdoor life and her cat Malou.